Stephen Hawking : His Life and Work – 9780857503671

AED 45.00

NEW AND UPDATED EDITION AVAILABLE: see STEPHEN HAWKING: A LIFE WELL-LIVED_______________.In 1963 Stephen Hawking was given a couple of years to live. In January 2017 he celebrated his seventy-fifth birthday. This biography of the brilliant theoretical physicist and inspirational international celebrity, written with the help of Hawking himself and his close associates, now includes: * His leadership at the London Paralympic Games * The release of the film about his life The Theory of Everything* His BBC Reith Lectures in 2016* His continuing work on black holes, gravitational waves, the new discovery of “supertranslations” * The launch of the astounding “Starshot” programme* The first presentation of the Stephen Hawking Medal for Science Communication at Starmus III in June 2016.

Stephen Hawking : His Life and Work – 9780857503671
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