I Love You And So (Addiction To The Four Letter Word)

AED 45.00

Back of the Book This book is not just a self-help book. Its a simple reminder that you need to fall in love with yourself all over again and invites you on that journey of getting bits of yourself back in You! It aims to push you to rediscover the sheer energy of happiness and joy in the reality of the Now! It doesnt have to be somebodys reality ad it doesnt have to be a distant flight of fantasy. It can be yours now, if you are willing to Ask and Receiveand Choose! Above all, it invites you to ask that all important question: What would you to be truly happy with, that if you asked and received it, would open the doors of richer possibilities for you to choose? Would you be willing to go beyond the limitations of your thoughts, feelings and emotions? About the Author Patriccia Balan was born in Guwahati, Assam, India, studied in Bangalore and has been living in Dubai for 24 years now. Born to a Tamil Brahmin Family, and given a Christian name like Patriccia she spent most of her life with mixed perceptions and identities. Having lived in India till the completion of University, a nation that is caught up with identity and what you are based on the religion you belong to was pretty challenging. She often faced an identity crises, having to explain as to how she happens to have a Christian name while being a Tam Bram. And her explanation was hardly convincing. To add to it having her date of birth incorrect in her documents and not having a birth certificate to prove the correct birth and date, made her always feel that she was living a big lie. She lived in conflict of who and what she really was since the time of her birth. Talk about wrong positioning from the very beginning. Moving forward, Patriccia worked in the Corporate Advertising Industry in Dubai for over 17


I Love You And So (Addiction To The Four Letter Word)
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